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The CloudTower SDK in Python for versions of 2.7, 3.4 and above.


  • whl

    pip install cloudtower_sdk-1.9.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  • tar.gz

    tar xvzf cloudtower-sdk-1.9.0.tar.gz
    cd cloudtower-sdk-1.90.tar.gz
    python install
  • git source installation

    git clone
    cd clodtower-python-sdk
    python install
  • git pip installation

    pip install git+
  • pypi installation

    pip install cloudtower-sdk

The Use of SDK

Create an instance

Create an ApiClient instance

from cloudtower.configuration import Configuration
from cloudtower import ApiClient
# Configure operation-api endpoint
configuration = Configuration(host="")
client = ApiClient(configuration)

if https connection is required,cert should be installed,or skip verify cert

configuration = Configuration(host="")
configuration.verify_ssl = False
client = ApiClient(configuration)

Create a corresponding API instance

Create a relevant API instance based on operations for different purposes, e.g., a VmApi needs to be created for the operations related to virtual machines.

from cloudtower.api.vm_api import VmApi
vm_api = VmApi(client)


from cloudtower.api.user_api import UserApi
from cloudtower.models import UserSource
# Obtain a token through the login method in UserApi.
user_api = UserApi(client)
login_res = user_api.login({
"username": "your_username",
"password": "your_password",
"source": UserSource.LOCAL
# Configure the token in configuration.api_key["Authorization"],
# so that all the APIs using the current client will get the token information of authentication.
configuration.api_key["Authorization"] =

Send a request

Get resources

vms = vm_api.get_vms({
"where": {
"id": "vm_id"

Update resources

Resource updates will generate relevant asynchronous tasks. When an asynchronous task finishes, the resource operations are completed and the data has been updated.

start_res = vm_api.start_vm({
"where": {
"id": "stopped_vm_id"

Users can synchronously wait for the asynchronous task to finish through the provided tool method.

from cloudtower.utils import wait_tasks
wait_tasks([res.task_id for res in start_res], api_client)
except ApiException as e:
# Handle errors
# Callback after the task finishes
Description of Method Parameters
Parameter nameTypeRequiredDescription
idslist[str]YesThe id list of the tasks to be queried.
api_clientApiClientYesThe ApiClient instance used by the query.
intervalintNoThe polling interval with the default value of 5s.
timeoutintNoThe timeout with the default value of 300s.
exit_on_errorboolNoWhether to exit immediately when a single task fails, otherwise wait for all the tasks to finish before exiting, and the default value is False.
Error Description
Error codeDescription
500An internal error of asynchronous task

Custom header

The cloudtower APIs support setting the language of the returned information by setting the content-language in the header. The optional values are en-US and zh-CN, and the default is en-US.

By using the set_default_header method of ApiClient

The default header information can be set using the set_default_header method of ApiClient.

alert_api = AlertApi(api_client)
# The message, solution, cause, impact in the alerts obtained at this time will be converted into English descriptions.
alerts = alert_api.get_alerts(
"where": {
"cluster": {
"id": "cluster_id"
"first": 100
By setting the keyword parameter of the request

The language of the returned information can also be set by setting the keyword parameter content_language of the request.

from cloudtower.api.alert_api import AlertApi

alert_api = AlertApi(api_client)
# The message, solution, cause, impact in the alerts obtained at this time will be converted into Chinese descriptions.
alerts = alert_api.get_alerts(
"where": {
"cluster": {
"id": "cluster_id"
"first": 100


Send an asynchronous request

The sending of the above requests are all synchronous and will block the current process. If users need to use an asynchronous request, please add async_req=True to the keyword parameter of the corresponding request. And obtain the corresponding result from the returned value of ApplyResult.get().

vms = vm_api.get_vms(
"where": {
"id": "vm_id"

Destroy an ApiClient instance after use


Scenario Examples

Backup a virtual machine

from cloudtower import ApiClient
from cloudtower.api.vm_api import VmApi
from cloudtower.api.vm_snapshot_api import VmSnapshotApi
from cloudtower.api.iscsi_lun_snapshot_api import IscsiLunSnapshotApi
from cloudtower.models import (
from cloudtower.utils import wait_tasks

def create_vm_snapshot(
api_client: ApiClient,
target_vm_name: str,
target_snapshot_name: str,
consistent_type: ConsistentType
vm_api = VmApi(api_client)
vm_snapshot_api = VmSnapshotApi(api_client)
iscsi_lun_snapshot_api = IscsiLunSnapshotApi(api_client)
# 1. Get the information of the virtual machine to be backed up, here we need the id of the virtual machine to construct the parameters for creating a snapshot.
vm = vm_api.get_vms({
"where": {
"name": target_vm_name
"first": 1
# When the VMTools has been installed and started in the virtual machine, the consistent_type can use FILE_SYSTEM_CONSISTENT to represent a file system consistency snapshot.
if vm.vm_tools_status != VmToolsStatus.RUNNING and consistent_type == ConsistentType.FILE_SYSTEM_CONSISTENT:
consistent_type = ConsistentType.CRASH_CONSISTENT

# 2. Create a snapshot of the virtual machine.
snapshots_with_task = vm_snapshot_api.create_vm_snapshot({
"data": [
"name": target_snapshot_name,
"consistent_type": consistent_type

# 3. Wait for the task to finish.
wait_tasks([snapshots_with_task[0].task_id], api_client)

# 4. Query the generated virtual machine snapshot according to the returned id.
snapshot = vm_snapshot_api.get_vm_snapshots({
"where": {
# 5. The vm_disks in the returned snapshot includes the virtual disk information of the snapshot.
# If the type is DISK, it indicates a corresponding volume, which contains a snapshot_local_id, indicating the local_id of the lun snapshot corresponding to the virtual volume.
# If the type is CD-ROM, it indicates a mounted CD-ROM, and no lun snapshot has been generated.
lun_snapshot_ids = []
for disk in snapshot.vm_disks:
if disk.type == "DISK":

lun_snapshots = iscsi_lun_snapshot_api.get_iscsi_lun_snapshots({
"where": {
"name_in": lun_snapshot_ids

return {
"vm_snapshot": snapshot,
"lun_snapshots": lun_snapshots

Build Dashboard

Define utility methods

from functools import reduce
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from cloudtower import ApiClient
from cloudtower.configuration import Configuration
from cloudtower.models import SeverityEnum, ClusterType, Hypervisor, DiskType, DiskUsageStatus, DiskHealthStatus
from cloudtower.api import VmApi, ClusterApi, AlertApi, HostApi, DiskApi, ClusterSettingsApi, GlobalSettingsApi

api_client = ApiClient(Configuration(host=""))

byte_units = ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"]
hz_units = ["Hz", "KHz", "MHz", "GHz", "THz"]

def format_unit(base: int, units, step=1024):
if not len(units):
raise Exception("no unit provided")
if base <= 0:
return "0" + units[0]
for unit in units:
if base < step:
return "{:.2f}{}".format(base, unit)
base /= step
return "{:.2f}{}".format(base, units[-1])

Build alart information

def build_alerts(api_client: ApiClient, cluster_ids):
alert_api = AlertApi(api_client)
alerts = alert_api.get_alerts({
"where": {
"ended": False,
"cluster": {
"id_in": cluster_ids
critial_alerts = [
alert for alert in alerts if alert.severity == SeverityEnum.CRITICAL]
notice_alerts = [
alert for alert in alerts if alert.severity == SeverityEnum.NOTICE]
info_alerts = [
alert for alert in alerts if alert.severity == SeverityEnum.INFO]
return {
"critical": critial_alerts,
"notice": notice_alerts,
"info": info_alerts

Build hard disk information

Here is an example of a mechanical hard disk

def build_hdd_info(api_client: ApiClient, cluster_ids):
disk_api = DiskApi(api_client)
disks = disk_api.get_disks({
"where": {
"host": {
"cluster": {
"id_in": cluster_ids
hdd = {
"healthy": 0,
"warning": 0,
"error": 0,
"total": 0,
for disk in disks:
if disk.type == DiskType.HDD:
if disk.health_status in [DiskHealthStatus.UNHEALTHY, DiskHealthStatus.SUBHEALTHY, DiskHealthStatus.SMART_FAILED]:
hdd['error'] += 1
elif disk.usage_status in [DiskUsageStatus.UNMOUNTED, DiskUsageStatus.PARTIAL_MOUNTED]:
hdd['warning'] += 1
hdd['healthy'] += 1
hdd['total'] += 1
return hdd

Build performance metrics

Get total CPU cores, total CPU frequency, used CPU frequency, total memory, used memory, total storage, used storage, invalid storage, and available storage of the specified cluster.

def build_metrics(api_client: ApiClient, clusters, cluster_ids):
result = {}
host_api = HostApi(api_client)
hosts = host_api.get_hosts({
"where": {
"cluster": {
"id_in": cluster_ids
cpu = {
"total_cpu_cores": 0,
"total_cpu_hz": 0,
"used_cpu_hz": 0,
memory = {
"total_memory": 0,
"used_memory": 0,
storage = {
"total": 0,
"used": 0,
"invalid": 0,
"available": 0

for host in hosts:
cluster = next(
cluster for cluster in clusters if ==
if cluster.hypervisor == Hypervisor.ELF:
memory['total_memory'] += 0 if host.total_memory_bytes is None else host.total_memory_bytes
memory['used_memory'] += (0 if host.running_pause_vm_memory_bytes is None else host.running_pause_vm_memory_bytes) + \
(0 if host.os_memory_bytes is None else host.os_memory_bytes)

for cluster in clusters:
if cluster.type == ClusterType.SMTX_OS:
cpu["total_cpu_cores"] += 0 if cluster.total_cpu_cores is None else cluster.total_cpu_cores
cpu["total_cpu_hz"] += 0 if cluster.total_cpu_hz is None else cluster.total_cpu_hz
cpu["used_cpu_hz"] += 0 if cluster.used_cpu_hz is None else cluster.used_cpu_hz
if cluster.hypervisor == Hypervisor.VMWARE:
memory["total_memory"] += 0 if cluster.total_memory_bytes is None else cluster.total_memory_bytes
memory["used_memory"] += 0 if cluster.used_memory_bytes is None else cluster.used_memory_bytes
storage["total"] += 0 if cluster.total_data_capacity is None else cluster.total_data_capacity
storage["used"] += 0 if cluster.used_data_space is None else cluster.used_data_space
storage["invalid"] += 0 if cluster.failure_data_space is None else cluster.failure_data_space
if len([cluster for cluster in clusters if cluster.type != ClusterType.SMTX_ZBS]) > 1:
cpu["cpu_usage"] = "{:.2f}%".format(
cpu["used_cpu_hz"] / cpu["total_cpu_hz"])
cpu["total_cpu_hz"] = format_unit(cpu["total_cpu_hz"], hz_units, 1000)
cpu["used_cpu_hz"] = format_unit(cpu["used_cpu_hz"], hz_units, 1000)
result['cpu'] = cpu
memory["memory_usage"] = "{:.2f}%".format(
memory["used_memory"] / memory["total_memory"])
memory["total_memory"] = format_unit(
memory["total_memory"], byte_units)
memory["used_memory"] = format_unit(
memory["used_memory"], byte_units)
result["memory"] = memory
storage["available"] = format_unit(
storage["total"] - storage["used"] - storage["invalid"], byte_units)
storage["total"] = format_unit(storage["total"], byte_units)
storage["used"] = format_unit(storage["used"], byte_units)
storage["invalid"] = format_unit(storage["invalid"], byte_units)
result["storage"] = storage
return result

Build Dashboard

def build_dashboard(api_client: ApiClient, datacenter_id: str = None, cluster_id: str = None):
result = {}
cluster_api = ClusterApi(api_client)
clusters = cluster_api.get_clusters({
"where": {"id": cluster_id} if cluster_id is not None else {"datacenters_some": {"id": datacenter_id}} if datacenter_id is not None else None
cluster_ids = [ for cluster in clusters]

result["alerts"] = build_alerts(api_client, cluster_ids)
result["hdd"] = build_hdd_info(api_client, cluster_ids)
metric = build_metrics(api_client, clusters, cluster_ids)
if "cpu" in metric:
result["cpu"] = metric["cpu"]
if "memory" in metric:
result["memory"] = metric["memory"]
if "storage" in metric:
result["storage"] = metric["storage"]
return result