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The CloudTower SDK in Java for versions 1.8 and above


  • git source installation

    git clone
    mvn clean install
  • jar package installation

    # download jar and pom from release page
    mvn install:install-file -D"file=<path/to/jar>" -D"pomFile=<path/to/pom>"
  • Central repository

    Not available

The Use of SDK

Create an instance

Create an ApiClient instance

ApiClient client = new ApiClient();

if https connection is required,cert should be installed,or skip verify cert

ApiClient client = new ApiClient();

Create a corresponding API instance

Create a relevant API instance based on operations for different purposes, e.g., a VmApi needs to be created for the operations related to virtual machines.

VmApi vmApi = new VmApi(client);


// Obtain a token through the login method in UserApi.
UserApi userApi = new UserApi(client);
LoginInput loginInput = new LoginInput()
WithTaskTokenString token = userApi.login(loginInput);
((ApiKeyAuth) client.getAuthentication("Authorization")).setApiKey(token.getData().getToken());

Send a request

Get resources

List<Vm> vms = vmApi.getVms(new GetVmsRequestBody().first(1));

Update resources

Resource updates will generate relevant asynchronous tasks. When an asynchronous task finishes, the resource operations are completed and the data has been updated.

WithTaskVm withTaskVm = vmApi.startVm(
new VmStartParams()
.where(new VmWhereInput()

Users can synchronously wait for the asynchronous task to finish through the provided tool method WaitTask.

  • Description of Method Parameters
Parameter nameTypeRequiredDescription
idstringYesThe id of the task to be queried
apiClientApiClientYesThe ApiClient instance used by the query
intervalintNoThe polling interval with the default value of 5s
timeoutintNoThe timeout with the default value of 300s
  • Error Description
Error codeDescription
500An internal error of asynchronous task
WithTaskVm withTaskVm = vmApi.startVm(
new VmStartParams()
.where(new VmWhereInput()
TaskUtil.WaitTask(withTaskVm.getTaskId(), client);

For multiple taska, you can use WaitTasks

  • Description of Method Parameters
Parameter nameTypeRequiredDescription
idsList\<String>YesThe id list of the tasks to be queried
apiClientApiClientYesThe ApiClient instance used by the query
exitOnErrorbooleanNoWhether to exit immediately when a single task fails, otherwise wait for all the tasks to finish before exiting, and the default value is False
intervalintNoThe polling interval with the default value of 5s
timeoutintNoThe timeout with the default value of 300s
  • Error Description
Error codeDescription
500An internal error of asynchronous task
VmStartParams startParams = new VmStartParams()
.where(new VmWhereInput()
List<WithTaskVm> startedVms = vmApi.startVm(startParams);
List<String> tasks = -> startedVm.getTaskId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
TaskUtil.WaitTasks(tasks, client);


Send an asynchronous request

The sending of all the above requests is synchronous and will block the current process. If users need to use an asynchronous request, they can use ${Api}Async with ApiCallback to send an asynchronous request.

new GetVmsRequestBody().first(1),
new ApiCallback<List<Alert>>() {
public void onFailure(ApiException e, int statusCode, Map responseHeaders) {
// error callback
public void onUploadProgress(long bytesWritten, long contentLength, boolean done) {
// upload progress callback
public void onDownloadProgress(long bytesRead, long contentLength, boolean done) {
// download progress callback
public void onSuccess(List<Alert> vms, int statusCode, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
// success callback
Set the language of the returned information

The language of the return value can be set by setting/clearing the default request header. The optional values are ["en-US", "zh-CN"]. The languages that are not in the range of optional values will return an HTTP 400 error.

AlertApi alertApi = new AlertApi(client);
// The fields of message, solution, cause, impact in the alerts obtained at this time will be English descriptions
List<Alert> alerts = alertApi.getAlerts(new GetAlertsRequestBody().first(1));
// The fields of message, solution, cause, impact in the alerts obtained at this time will be converted into Chinese descriptions
client.addDefaultHeader("content-language", "zh-CN");
alerts = alertApi.getAlerts(new GetAlertsRequestBody().first(1));
// The fields of message, solution, cause, impact in the alerts obtained at this time will be English descriptions
alerts = alertApi.getAlerts(new GetAlertsRequestBody().first(1));
client.addDefaultHeader("content-language", "fr-CA");
// An HTTP 400 error will be returned at this time
alerts = alertApi.getAlerts(new GetAlertsRequestBody().first(1));

Scenario Examples

Backup a virtual machine

public class BackupResult {
public List<IscsiLunSnapshot> lunSnapshots;
public VmSnapshot vmSnapshot = null;

public BackupResult(VmSnapshot vmSnapshot, List<IscsiLunSnapshot> lunSnapshots) {
this.lunSnapshots = lunSnapshots;
this.vmSnapshot = vmSnapshot;

public BackupResult vmBackup(ApiClient client, String vmId, String snapshotName,
ConsistentType consistentType) throws ApiException {
VmApi vmApi = new VmApi(client);
VmSnapshotApi vmSnapshotApi = new VmSnapshotApi(client);
IscsiLunSnapshotApi iscsiLunSnapshotApi = new IscsiLunSnapshotApi(client);
// 1. Get the information of the virtual machine to be backed up, here we need the id of the virtual machine to construct the parameters for creating a snapshot, and need the status of the VMTools to determine whether creating a file system consistency snapshot is allowed.
Vm target = vmApi.getVms(new GetVmsRequestBody().where(new VmWhereInput().id(vmId)).first(1))
if (target.getVmToolsStatus() != VmToolsStatus.RUNNING && consistentType == ConsistentType.FILE_SYSTEM_CONSISTENT) {
consistentType = ConsistentType.CRASH_CONSISTENT;
WithTaskVmSnapshot snapshot_with_task = vmSnapshotApi.createVmSnapshot(
new VmSnapshotCreationParams()
new VmSnapshotCreationParamsData()
// 2. Wait for the task to finish.
TaskUtil.WaitTask(snapshot_with_task.getTaskId(), client);
// 3. Query the created virtual machine snapshot.
VmSnapshot snapshot = vmSnapshotApi.getVmSnapshots(
new GetVmSnapshotsRequestBody()
.where(new VmSnapshotWhereInput()
// 4. Query the generated iSCSI Lun snapshot.
List<String> lunSnapshotIds = snapshot.getVmDisks().stream().filter(disk -> disk.getType() == VmDiskType.DISK)
.map(disk -> disk.getSnapshotLocalId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<IscsiLunSnapshot> lunSnapshots = null;
if (lunSnapshotIds.size() > 0) {
lunSnapshots = iscsiLunSnapshotApi.getIscsiLunSnapshots(
new GetIscsiLunSnapshotsRequestBody()
.where(new IscsiLunSnapshotWhereInput()
return new BackupResult(snapshot, lunSnapshots);

Build Dashboard

Define utility methods

private static String[] byteUnits = new String[] { "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB" };
private static String[] hzUnits = new String[] { "Hz", "KHz", "MHz", "GHz", "THz" };

public static String formatUnit(double base, String[] units, int step) {
if (units.length == 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterException();
if (base < 0) {
return String.format("0%s", units[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
if (base < step || i == units.length - 1) {
return String.format("%.2f%s", base, units[i]);
base /= step;
return String.format("%.2f%s", base, units[units.length - 1]);

Build alart information

public class AlertInfo {
ArrayList<Alert> critialAlerts;
ArrayList<Alert> noticeAlerts;
ArrayList<Alert> infoAlerts;

public AlertInfo(ArrayList<Alert> critialAlerts, ArrayList<Alert> noticeAlerts, ArrayList<Alert> infoAlerts) {
this.critialAlerts = critialAlerts;
this.noticeAlerts = noticeAlerts;
this.infoAlerts = infoAlerts;

public AlertInfo buildAlerts(ApiClient client, List<String> clusterIds) throws ApiException {
AlertApi api = new AlertApi(client);
List<Alert> alerts = api.getAlerts(new GetAlertsRequestBody()
.where(new AlertWhereInput()
.cluster(new ClusterWhereInput()
ArrayList<Alert> critialAlerts = new ArrayList<>(alerts.size());
ArrayList<Alert> noticeAlerts = new ArrayList<>(alerts.size());
ArrayList<Alert> infoAlerts = new ArrayList<>(alerts.size());
alerts.forEach(alert -> {
switch (alert.getSeverity()) {
case "CRITICAL":
case "NOTICE":
case "INFO":
return new AlertInfo(critialAlerts, noticeAlerts, infoAlerts);

Build hard disk information

Here is an example of a mechanical hard disk

public class DiskInfo {
public int healthyCount;
public int warningCount;
public int errorCount;
public int total;

public DiskInfo(int healthy, int warning, int error, int total) {
this.healthyCount = healthy;
this.warningCount = warning;
this.errorCount = error; = total;
public DiskInfo buildHddDiskInfo(ApiClient client, List<String> clusterIds) throws ApiException {
DiskApi diskApi = new DiskApi(client);
List<Disk> disks = diskApi.getDisks(
new GetDisksRequestBody()
.where(new DiskWhereInput()
.host(new HostWhereInput()
.cluster(new ClusterWhereInput()
DiskInfo hddInfo = new DiskInfo(0, 0, 0, 0);
disks.forEach(disk -> {
if (disk.getType() == DiskType.HDD) {;
DiskHealthStatus healthStatus = disk.getHealthStatus();
DiskUsageStatus usageStatus = disk.getUsageStatus();
if (healthStatus == DiskHealthStatus.UNHEALTHY || healthStatus == DiskHealthStatus.SUBHEALTHY
|| healthStatus == DiskHealthStatus.SMART_FAILED) {
} else if (usageStatus == DiskUsageStatus.UNMOUNTED || usageStatus == DiskUsageStatus.PARTIAL_MOUNTED) {
} else {
return hddInfo;

Build performance metrics

Get total CPU cores, total CPU frequency, CPU usage, total memory, used memory, total storage, used storage, invalid storage, and available storage of the specified cluster.

public class CpuInfo {
public int totalCore;
public long totalHz;
public String totalHzWithUnit;
public long usedHz;
public String usedHzWithUnit;
public String usage;

public CpuInfo(int totalCore, long totalHz, long usedHz) {
this.totalCore = totalCore;
this.totalHz = totalHz;
this.usedHz = usedHz;

public CpuInfo compute() {
if (this.totalCore > 0) {
this.usage = String.format("%.2f%%", (double) usedHz / totalHz * 100);
this.totalHzWithUnit = formatUnit(totalHz, hzUnits, 1000);
this.usedHzWithUnit = formatUnit(usedHz, hzUnits, 1000);
return this;

public class MemoryInfo {
public long total;
public String totalWithUnit;
public long used;
public String usedWithUnit;
public String usage;

public MemoryInfo(long total, long used) { = total;
this.used = used;

public MemoryInfo compute() {
this.usage = String.format("%.2f%%", (double) used / total * 100);
this.totalWithUnit = formatUnit(total, byteUnits, 1024);
this.usedWithUnit = formatUnit(used, byteUnits, 1024);
return this;

public class StorageInfo {
public long total;
public String totalWithUnit;
public long used;
public String usedWithUnit;
public long invalid;
public String invalidWithUnit;
public long available;
public String availableWithUnit;

public StorageInfo(long total, long used, long invalid) { = total;
this.used = used;
this.invalid = invalid;

public StorageInfo compute() {
this.available = total - used - invalid;
this.totalWithUnit = formatUnit(total, byteUnits, 1024);
this.usedWithUnit = formatUnit(used, byteUnits, 1024);
this.invalidWithUnit = formatUnit(invalid, byteUnits, 1024);
this.availableWithUnit = formatUnit(available, byteUnits, 1024);
return this;

public class MetricInfo {
public CpuInfo cpu;
public MemoryInfo memory;
public StorageInfo storage;

public MetricInfo(CpuInfo cpu, MemoryInfo memory, StorageInfo storage) {
this.cpu = cpu;
this.memory = memory; = storage;

public static MetricInfo buildMetricInfo(ApiClient client, List<Cluster> clusters, List<String> clusterIds)
throws ApiException {
CpuInfo cpu = new CpuInfo(0, 0, 0);
MemoryInfo memory = new MemoryInfo(0, 0);
StorageInfo storage = new StorageInfo(0, 0, 0);
HostApi hostApi = new HostApi(client);
List<Host> hosts = hostApi.getHosts(
new GetHostsRequestBody()
.where(new HostWhereInput()
.cluster(new ClusterWhereInput()
HashMap<String, Cluster> clusterIdMap = new HashMap<String, Cluster>();
clusters.forEach(cluster -> {
clusterIdMap.put(cluster.getId(), cluster);

if (cluster.getType() == ClusterType.SMTX_OS) {
cpu.totalCore += cluster.getTotalCpuCores();
cpu.totalHz += cluster.getTotalCpuHz();
cpu.usedHz += cluster.getUsedCpuHz();
if (cluster.getHypervisor() == Hypervisor.VMWARE) { += cluster.getTotalMemoryBytes();
memory.used += cluster.getUsedMemoryBytes();
} += cluster.getTotalDataCapacity();
storage.used += cluster.getUsedDataSpace();
storage.invalid += cluster.getFailureDataSpace();

hosts.forEach(host -> {
Cluster cluster = clusterIdMap.get(host.getCluster().getId());
if (cluster != null && cluster.getHypervisor() == Hypervisor.ELF) { += host.getTotalMemoryBytes();
memory.used += host.getRunningPauseVmMemoryBytes() + host.getOsMemoryBytes();

return new MetricInfo(cpu.compute(), memory.compute(), storage.compute());

Build Dashboard

public class DashboardInfo {
public MetricInfo metrics;
public DiskInfo hdd;
public AlertInfo alert;

public DashboardInfo(MetricInfo metrics, DiskInfo hdd, AlertInfo alert) {
this.metrics = metrics;
this.hdd = hdd;
this.alert = alert;
public static DashboardInfo buildDashboardInfo(ApiClient client, String datacenterId, String clusterId)
throws ApiException {
ClusterApi clusterApi = new ClusterApi(client);
GetClustersRequestBody request = new GetClustersRequestBody();
if (clusterId != null) {
request.where(new ClusterWhereInput().id(clusterId));
} else if (datacenterId != null) {
request.where(new ClusterWhereInput()
.datacentersSome(new DatacenterWhereInput()
List<Cluster> clusters = clusterApi.getClusters(request);
List<String> clusterIds = -> cluster.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
return new DashboardInfo(
buildMetricInfo(client, clusters, clusterIds),
buildHddDiskInfo(client, clusterIds),
buildAlertInfo(client, clusterIds));